Well, my Zinnias are huge. The big news is the flowers are finally coming in. Above, you can see the first bud that will be flowering soon. Here's a shot of the garden to give you some perspective:
Yeah, they are huge. I didn't realize it when I planted Zinnias. I'm not much of a flower guy. My biggest regret is they kinda look like the weeds that surround the garden. Oh well!
Otherwise, things are good back there. Alicia and I go about once a week and enjoy the outdoors, and I feed the cat (Oreo) about every other day. Clearly, she's got another owner, as she doesn't even come by every night.
For the record, the food is on the ground because I can't pour the food without Oreo putting her head in the path of the bowl. I've gotten to the point of just pouring and letting the food land wherever. Of course, Oreo is too good to eat the food of the ground. Bah.
The ivy has doubled in size. In July, I felt stupid because the ivy just wasn't climbing up the poles I bought. Now I feel stupid because the poles will be too short.
Construction has added another full story. Alicia found the permits online and found out that the building should go up six stories. Two down, four to go I guess. It's loud about once every two weeks when they are putting the huge beams up. But now you can't even access the construction site from our backyard, which has significantly quieted down the construction. Early May, we woke up every morning to the sound of construction workers on the other side of our bedroom window. Good riddance.
The tree directly above our backyard is still my favorite, but this one has really started to look gorgeous. Ample rain and sunshine has turned the leaves into a great color, especially when back lit by a cloudy white sky.
And that's the news from Lake Wobego... er, um, the news from our back yard.
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