Wednesday, March 4, 2009

But not 3 months!

Hello! It's been over two months since I last posted, and approaching three... but here I am! I'll do a little round up of what's going on, with further posting to come.

The Fall semester winded down with out much to comment on. My flight home for Christmas was canceled, getting me home on Christmas day. I still was able to see my family, but it's a shame our time was cut short.

I spent January studying and preparing for the next semester. I was actually treating it like a job. I'd go to school around 8 in the morning, stay there and study all day, then leave around 4 to 5pm. It was tough keeping focused, but being away from home helped a lot.

My semester started the last week of January. I'm enrolled in three classes:

1) Set Theory, a course about sets (believe it or not). This is the super-hard course of the semester. But in it, we started out studying "inaccessible cardinal numbers," numbers so big they become bigger than the theory that studies them. They're bigger than the numbers from 1 to infinity, they're bigger than all the decimal numbers between 0 and 1, and so on. They're actually called "Large."

2) Independent Study, a continuation of the work I did last semester on graphs. I only meet with my advisor every other week. When I do, I have to take the subway to City College, which is up in Harlem. From my apartment in Brooklyn, it's a 3 hour round trip. Needless to say, it's long. The worst part about it is according to Google Maps, I'm only traveling 7 miles each way.

3) Colloquium on College Teaching, a four week, 0 credit class about Academia. It's taught by Dr. Cahn, which is cool, because I used his Philosophy Anthology back at the University of Minnesota. I told him we always used to joke that you'd have to take passages in the book "Out of Cahn-text" (context). He actually enjoyed it, had never heard that before, and asked me to repeat it the next class. I guess everyone in Duluth, MN has strange humor. The class is actually over now. I really enjoyed it. Despite the name, it discussed a lot of useful information, like who the Provost is at a college, what needs to be done to get tenure, etc.

As for my teaching, I'm teaching two courses at night, Mondays and Wednesdays. One runs from 6pm to 7:40pm, the other from 8pm to 9:40pm. I've taught this course twice before, so it's been straight forward. I'm surprised how quiet the College gets at night. I'm the only math professor teaching the 8pm shift. The 6pm class as lively as normal, but the 8pm class gets very quiet.

Actually, today is the day of the first exam. To tell the truth, I haven't written it yet. So I better get writing.

To come: Weather, Livia, Brooklyn, Alicia, and much, much more!