How do you stay productive? What keeps you on task?
I use Google Tasks, a neat little To Do application that is part of Gmail (Google's Email service). I can look at the list on my phone and add or delete items from anywhere. It helps me feel on top of everything I need to do. I throw assignments, cleaning tasks, appointments, and even goals on that list. It really prevents that icky feeling of "didn't I need something the other day?"
I've only ever had one problem with it: the list stressed me out. When I finished something, I'd take it off my list. At the same time, I'd add new things to the list. As a result, I always had things to do. Worse yet, some items would stay on my to do list for awhile, making me feel worse and worse about them the longer they remained. I was focusing on what wasn't getting done as opposed to what I was accomplishing. Every time I looked at the list, I was reminded of what wasn't getting done.
To get out of the feedback loop, I went on the roof and relaxed. Getting away from the list, I realized that my stress was only because every waking moment, I wanted to accomplish something. Certainly that isn't possible. Staring at the cityscape of Brooklyn, I started recalling everything I had finished. That snapped me out of it. I suppose this needs to happen from time to time. I guess that's one of the Cons of having a to do list that is always accessible.
Other organization techniques I've used in the past include keeping a small notebook in my pocket and using my email account as a to do list. The notebook was never around, so it didn't work for me. Email was nearly perfect, though. I'd just email myself anytime I had something I wanted to do. This didn't stress me out as much because my real mail would dilute the pile of things to accomplish. The problem is, of course, that the inbox becomes really cluttered.
So, there are a lot of options out there. What works for you?
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