Friday, September 12, 2008


The weather has gotten perfect! It was about 70 degrees today, which is exactly the weather I want. It is perfect keep-the-windows-open weather for us. Any hotter and Alicia and I don't do very well.

The problem with this apartment (the only one besides mice since we've redone the apartment) is that most of our apartment has no ventilation. The living room only has a door, nothing else. So even if it is a nice day out, we have to keep the windows shut and the AC pumping, else it will climb to 85/90 inside that room.

But 70 and below is the tipping point, the point where that room doesn't heat up.

I still fondly recall waiting for the bus to come pick me up on an early fall morning before school. I remember the grass frosting in September. I miss that. That doesn't happen here until November. Eww.

At least we've got some nice cooler days coming. The worst of summer is over.